Just like in humans, dental disease prevention for your pets consists of annual check-ups with your veterinarian and dental cleanings to remove dental plaque and tartar that forms on their teeth. Prevention starts at home with a daily routine of brushing your pet’s teeth with dog and cat-specific toothpaste only. This is the most effective thing you can do to keep their teeth healthy between dental cleanings; it can reduce the frequency or even eliminate the need for periodic dental cleaning by your veterinarian. We understand that some pets are resistant to you brushing their teeth, and it may take more patience and training. For pets that are not fond of teeth brushing, there are products such as water and food additives or dental chews that you can use instead. Always consult your veterinarian on any additives or dental chews to get their recommendation for your pet.
Nutrition can help your pet with periodontal disease and gingivitis. How do you know what foods and treats to give your pet to support their dental health?
The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) reviews many pet foods and treats that are made to reduce plaque on the tooth’s surface. The VOHC gives its seal of approval only to those products that meet the required standards and have been shown to control tartar and plaque in the mouths of cats and dogs. Look for foods and treats with the package’s VOHC seal.
How Do I Know if a Dental Diet or Dental Chews Are Right for My Pet?
Though dental diets are nutritionally balanced, and most pets tolerate them well, it is important to know that they are not for all pets. Dental diets are also not required for your pet’s dental health either. The same applies for dental chews, not all pets can have just any treats deemed “dental chews.” All pets are different and have different nutritional needs, so always consult with your veterinarian on whether a dental diet is suited or even needed for your pet. Your veterinarian can also help you choose the proper dental chews or treats for your pet according to their nutritional needs.
If your pet needs their teeth and gums checked, contact us at 239-219-6942; we will be happy to help!